
Social impact focused computer scientist with professional experience ranging from leading engineering projects within labs groups to architecting scalable systems and telephone networks, to researching and developing ways to improve Google Search.

In my free time I direct my creative design and technology skills to personal projects that serve and engage with my community.

Professional Timeline


Engineer | Google Search - Civics & Education

My team is within the social impact arm of Google Search. We research and develop ways to better serve those searching for civic or educational information. Our research involves analyzing the massive dataset of Search queries and working with research scientists across the organization. We develop within the Google Search infrastructure and run live experiments that reach millions of Search users every day, with the goal of making a quality education universally accessible as well as inform and further engage those who come to Search with civic informational needs.

I also lead two initiatives for women at Google:

  • A "Search Women's Circle" - a monthly conversation that brings together women across the organization.
  • Coordinate the New York Search Women in Engineering group.

Jun 2017 - Present

Manhattan, NY

Professional sabbatical taken Winter 2016/17 - Spring 2017

Pioneer Works Center for Arts and Innovation

Artist in Residence, Tech

"Pioneer Works is a cultural center dedicated to experimentation, education and production across disciplines"

During my residency I began developing a digital coloring book about math which was featured in an exhibition at Pioneer Works in May.

It has already been read/viewed by more than 30k people online and is being tested by educators ranging from elementary school tutors to college math professors. (See projects for details).

Apr 2017 - May 2017

Brooklyn, NY

Recurse Center


The Recurse Center is a self-directed educational center and programmers' retreat

Led a Machine Learning study group and worked on various algorithmic art projects.

Feb 2017 - Apr 2017

Manhattan, NY

Hillary For America

Technologist/Senior Software Engineer

The HFA technology team worked 7days/week from the campaign headquarters for the Democratic presidential nominee.

Built data infrastructure that powered the campaign and supported our analytics team, as well as led the engineering design and development for several projects:

  • The campaign’s email system, used to compose and send millions of organizing and fundraising emails. This application allowed our team to scientifically cut lists of recipients and run A/B tests to discover the most successful language in emails, and then view open rates and donations generated by the emails immediately after sending. It also enabled personalizing mass emails so that they acknowledged not only the recipient’s names, but also their past contributions. Hillary Clinton's digital team raised over a third of the campaign’s budget and email accounted for 65-70% of that.
  • A Facebook Messenger chatbot used for voter registration and voter protection (see projects).
  • The service that shortened and personalized links sent out to voters. Reason this was necessary: Organizers sent out text message blasts with links that needed to be personalized for the individual recipients. The volume of shortlinks needed was too high for services like Bitly without an expensive contract, so we built our own system.
  • Data science research exploring the effect of language used by candidates on social media, in partnership with a Google language expert.

Feb 2016 - Nov 2016

Manhattan, NY

Mast Mobile

Systems Architect & Senior Software Engineer

Mast Mobile is a telecom startup building an intelligent mobile communications network.

  • As the second full time engineer, helped transform a prototype into a scaled-out platform serving customers as an intelligent mobile carrier network.
  • Worked with third party network partners, such as Sprint, to build the technology to seamlessly interface with their platforms.
  • Contributed to large open source software projects we used, such as Kazoo and MongooseIM, and represented the company at conferences.

Aug 2014 - Feb 2016

Manhattan, NY

Blue Ridge Labs Fellowship

Fellow/Engineering Lead

Blue Ridge Labs is a social impact incubator with a fellowship that brings together entrepreneurs, designers, and developers to build for communities that are often overlooked by technology.


Jun 2014 - Aug 2014

Brooklyn, NY

Huffpost Labs

Lead Engineer

Huffpost Labs operated as a startup embedded within the Huffington Post, exploring and building innovations for digital journalism.

Sep 2013 - June 2014

Manhattan, NY

Various software development internships

Brown University Computer Science Department

Head Teaching Assistant for Linear Algebra Computer Science course
  • Managed team of 3 other teaching assistants.
  • Wrote and graded course content and assignments, held office hours, proctored semiweekly labs, and ran review sessions.

Winter - Spring 2013

Assistant in Curriculum Writing

Worked closely with Professor Philip Klein to help develop and write content, problem sets, and labs for his recently published textbook: Coding The Matrix: Linear Algebra Through Computer Science Applications".

Summer 2012


Brown University
B.A. Mathematics, B.A. Computer Science

GPA: 3.8/4.0

Graduated May 2013

University of Pennsylvania

Dean's List

GPA: 3.9/4.0

Fall 2009 - Winter 2010

Transferred to Brown Jan. 2011

Personal Projects

Illustrating Group Theory (A Coloring Book)

A mathematical coloring book that exists both digitally and on paper.

  • What: A free resource to make math (and its beauty) more accessible. It is both digital and available on paper. The digital copy brings the concepts and illustrations to life in interactive animations.
  • For whom: From adults with a strong math background, to children who like to color, it has been enjoyed by all.
  • Reception: Has already been read/viewed by tens of thousands of people online, and is being tested by educators ranging from elementary school tutors to college math professors.
  • All curriculum, content, design, and illustrations are original.
  • Built with open source software, this resource will remain free.

Voter Bot

Began its development as a side project during "after work hours" while on the Hillary For America technology team. The prototype I developed became a fully staffed project that I led engineering on.

Before the election the bot was used by both the campaign and DNC to register voters and encourage early voting.

As the election neared and registration deadlines passed, the bot was used to educate and engage voters, as well as for voter protection. It flagged concerning cases for the campaign’s voter protection lawyers and connected vulnerable voters to our team of volunteer lawyers.

Handled natural language processing as it responded to voters with information to voters specific to their state.

NY Farmers Markets

Advancing access to sustainable eating.

  • Pulls market data from NY open data.
  • Developed in consultation with NYC Farmers market organizers.
  • Purpose: Make sustainable eating more accessible for New Yorkers on food stamp programs such as WIC and EBT by highlighting which markets are open and accept those payment forms.

L0v3 Bot

  • (For fun) Created at the 2017 Stupid Hackathon.
  • Love Bot 2000 is disrupting dating and automating the creation of lifelong connections via the twittersphere. It crawls the tweets of celebrities like Neil Degrasse Tyson, finds people that retweeted their same tweet and are geographically near each other, and then relentlessly tweets intros @ these potential soul mates. This bot instigates love for people, regardless of whether they're searching for it, separated in age by 50 years, or are in committed relationships. This is love in the digital age.


  • Crowd funding to support women's health.
  • (Created in collaboration & with Planned Parenthood).

Internet Fractals


A Coloring Book about Group Theory

(Current Project)

  • An educational tool used by math educators whose students range from children to university level.
  • Developed both the curriculum and written content within the book, as well as the design and algorithms that produce the interactive illustrations.
  • It is a free and open online resource.
Contributed to a linear Algebra & computer Science textbook at Brown University:

"Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Applications to Computer Science"


More recent events related to "Illustrating Group Theory" can be seen on the book's website: Link

Grace Hopper 2017 Conference

The annual conference celebrates women in computing, with more than 17,000 attendees in 2017.

October 2017


A panel discussion on navigating careers in New York’s startup scene.

Summer 2017

Pioneer Works

Exhibition: Coloring Group Theory

Children and adults alike learned about math while coloring on the walls and engaging with the interactive animations projected on the walls.

May 2017

Recurse Center

Presenting A Coloring Book about Group Theory

April 2017

Code Driven NYC @ First Mark Capital

Presented on balancing consistency and availability in a concurrent system such as Mast Mobile’s intelligent phone network.

January 2016

NY Tech meetup

Presented to over 800 members of New York's startup community and investors, a technology I co-invented for digital journalists (Blogcast).

Press: Huffpost

January 2014

Volunteering & Community



Donated time as a technical consultant and developer to a progressive organization that was born from the 2016 election outcome.

Winter 2016/17

Top Honors

Volunteered weekly to help NYC public school students improve their math and critical thinking abilities.

Nov 2015 - Mar 2016

HackNY | Mentor

Co-organized by faculty from NYU and Columbia, hackNY has since February 2010 organized the hackNY Fellows program and hackNY student hackathons during the school year in order to create and empower a community of student-technologists.

Summer 2014 & Summer 2015

West House Cooperative at Brown University

Managed the budget, collection of dues, and allocation or financial resources for an environmentally focused cooperative house that provided housing and meals for over 30 students every year.

Nov 2015 - Mar 2016