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Hover over neighborhoods for income and race numbers.

Select Year

Percent white households*


New York City | Boston | Washington DC | Chicago | Philadelphia


Is the placement of bike-share docks equitable?

The map explores this question visually.

It displays the progressive placement of bike-share docking stations over time, along with the race and median income of residents in the areas they serve.

The map shows the addition of the docks, as well as the changes in income and race throughout the years the bike-share program has been in service. You can toggle the display to see only income, or race, or bikes data, or any of their combinations.

About The Data

Income and race data is provided for each year by census tract. It is from the American Community Survey (5-year), which provides yearly population estimates.

The data used for this map is household median income, and household race.
*Race is displayed on the map as “Percent White”, which is calculated as the percentage of households that report “white only” in a given census tract.

Margins of error and all of the processed data are available here.

Bike station location data is scraped from the bike-share company’s websites.

All code, data, and data processing scripts for this project are open-source: https://github.com/aberke/income-race-bikes

Contributions welcomed.